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Please Note: Nexus Anticheat is the Anticheat created by Nexus Society which runs Lifesteal SMP

This page will explain the Nexus Anticheat, what it is, what to do if you were banned by it and some frequently asked questions!

So first, what is Nexus Anticheat?

Nexus Anticheat is an anticheat that was developed by the Nexus development team. It has countless hours put into it and works alongside Atlas (https://lifesteal.me/atlas) in order to eliminate as many cheaters as possible! Nexus Anticheat is designed in order to not affect any sort of gameplay with the occasional lag back in case you fail too many checks but should rarely affect your overall gameplay. The anticheat is designed to work in the background and to ban anyone that is cheating.

Nexus Anticheat will randomly run checks on random users and determine if they are cheating or not. If they are, then the staff team will be notified and an Atlas replay will be started.

When the anticheat is 100% sure you are cheating, it will temp-ban your account from the network for 30 days.

The Nexus Anticheat will not ban your IP from the network so other members of your household will not be banned. However, you can be IP banned if a staff member can confirm that you are ban evading or if 5 of your accounts on the same IP have been cheating in the last month.

Why was I banned?

You can be banned for a few things. You can be banned for blacklisted modifications which are but not limited to autoclickers, TCP Edit, macros, better sprint, or any sort of hacked client. A full list of whitelisted and blacklisted modifications can be found at (https://lifesteal.me/modifcations). You can also be banned for chat abuse. This is due to but not limited to spamming in chat, swearing excessively, or hate speech. For a full list of rules, please see (https://lifesteal.me/rules) which will show you all of the rules.

So how do you appeal this punishment?

We are very responsive to false bans. If you were banned and were not cheating, you can appeal this punishment at https://lifesteal.me/appeal and your appeal will be considered there.

Please note that if your application is denied, you may not re-appeal and you must serve your punishment. If you attempt to message a staff member or ask on the discord, you will be redirected to https://lifesteal.me/appeals and if you continue to push, your application will be auto denied.


Q: How can I be 100% sure that I won’t be banned by Nexus Anticheat?

A: You cannot be 100% sure. However you can limit almost all chances of this by using a 100% vanilla client when possible

Q: Can a staff member tell me if a certain mod is allowed?

A: No. A staff member cannot decide if a mod is safe or not. We would suggest looking at our modifications page here: https://lifesteal.me/modifcations

Q: I have mods installed but aren't using them right now!

A: We would not recommend this. Some modifications run in the background and affect your game without you noticing. We would not recommend installing any modifications that modify your gameplay to an unfair advantage.

Q: Can Nexus Anticheat see my computer's files?

A: No. Nexus Anticheat is completely server sided and cannot access your PC

Q: Will I get banned if I'm lagging?

A: No. Nexus Anticheat can see your ping and uses it when checking you to see if you're lagging or cheating.

Q: Will Nexus Anticheat ban you if you have a rank?

A: Yes. Nexus Anticheat will even ban staff if they are cheating. Justice is blind and so Nexus Anticheat does not care if you have donated to the server.

Got any other questions? Contact us at https://lifesteal.me/contact