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Please Note: Nexus Anticheat & ATLAS are systems created by Nexus Society which runs Lifesteal SMP

Nexus Atlas System is an advanced system that works in part with the anticheat.

When a player is suspected of hacking by the anticheat it will start a replay. This replay will record the players movement, item drops, breaking, placing, swinging, and all that.

So what do I need to know?

When you want to access the atlas system, go to Lifesteal SMP and type /atlas. This will open the atlas menu in which you can select the eye of ender in order to start an atlas replay viewing.

The player that is suspected of hacking will be sent in chat and you can teleport to them via the compass in your hotbar. You can use the tools in your hotbar to change the speed, fast forward, go back, and pause. When you are sure that the suspect is cheating, you can then right click with the green wool in your hotbar. This will submit your verdict and if your verdict is correct then the player will be punished.

One thing that you need to note is that your vote will not impact the immediate punishment of a player. Even if everyone were to vote that they were cheating, the system will not ban the player.

A server moderator will need to review the replay and then if they are 100% cheating, then they will be banned. But the server does not auto-ban so you don't need to worry about biased players.

So who can use atlas?

Atlas is accessible by anyone that connects to Lifesteal SMP. Lifesteal SMP is mainly focused around eliminating all cheaters and we want to keep it that way. That's why we have spent countless hours perfecting and tweaking our anticheat to detect as many cheats as possible in the quickest fashion.

So what are the benefits of using the atlas system?

The atlas system will raise your anticheat verdict. Now this means that when you report a player, the anti cheat will take your report as a higher priority. This is useful in the case of a player cheating on you in a pvp match and getting banned before you die and lose your items and levels.

The atlas system is player focused. In the event of a server crash, the server will rollback your inventory in order to protect your items. The server will also completely restore any state you were in including your location and your health and hunger and levels and everything.

What happens if a player abuses atlas?

If a player is submitting dozens of false reports, an admin can ban them from the atlas system. You will not be able to use the atlas system anymore and all your past verdicts are cleared. This is in order to stop biased players from cheating the system. All atlas replays are reviewed by staff however the ones marked as cheating are reviewed first. Saying that a player isn't cheating won't get you past the atlas system.

What happens if another player in the atlas system is cheating? 

You can do /report {player} {replayID} and they will be checked and punished by the anticheat. The anticheat will then review them and then if they are determined to be cheating then added to the atlas system replay and then reviewed by a player and then reviewed by our moderation team and then banned!

If you have any questions feel free to make a ticket on the discord or contact an admin on the forums or on ingame!

Thanks and we hope to see you ingame and work together to eliminate all the cheaters on Lifesteal SMP together!