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Welcome to Lifesteal SMP!
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Before we start we would like to say that Lifesteal SMP realises that mods are a large part of the Minecraft experience to a lot of players and we respect that.


We would like to say that all mods are use at your own risk. This means that if you use a mod and a staff decides that it gives you an unfair advantage even though it isn’t listed here, you can still be banned.


When possible, try to use a 100% vanilla client to avoid all chances of being banned. If you would like to read more on the anticheat, take a look at https://lifesteal.me/anticheat.


So what's allowed?


Performance increasing mods are allowed on Lifesteal SMP. This is mods such as Optifine which boost your FPS or patch issues such as the Patcher mod. Aesthetic Mods are allowed on Lifesteal SMP. Mods that give you cosmetics such as Lunar Client or Badlion are allowed however you cannot use any mods that change block states such as making it possible to see through blocks or changing perspective (eg. seeing over or around blocks that you normally wouldn't)


HUD Displays are allowed on Lifesteal SMP. You can use mods that show armor durability, potion status and other HUD’s. However HUD’s such as other player’s health displays, armor indicators, or mods that allow players/entities to be seen farther away than they are, are not permitted.


Gamma or fulbright are allowed on Lifesteal SMP. You can light up your game and create artificial lights using Minecraft's settings or a mod known as Fullbright.


What's not allowed?


Mods that boost your gameplay in an unfair advantage are bannable. This does not only apply to the gamemode your in but server wide. This includes but is not limited to Auto Clickers, Burst Clickers, Macros, Aim Assists, Auto Sprints or Auto Breakers, and any features that may come with a hacked client that aren't listed above in “So what's allowed?”. You ARE allowed to use an item set on your mouse to hold click, however using any sort of software to automate this is bannable. (You can’t use this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cY4No-vWyFE) but if you do that would be cool send Slick a picture on discord! If a modification does not fit into any of these categories, it is used at your own risk. If a staff or the anticheat assumes your cheating, you will be banned. You also MAY NOT join the server on any hacked clients. Even if you are not using any hacked features, it's still not allowed!

There is a bit of concern regarding minimaps so we would like to cover that real quick. The Minimap mod is use at your own risk. You are not allowed to have players show on the MInimap, only terrain. If a staff member catches you with a minimap that is showing players, you will be held accountable and punished. If you are using it for just showing terrain like a small map, you will be fine but Lifesteal SMP recommends not using minimap at all to lower your chances of being banned.