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Update 5.0
SkipTurn Admin
8 posts
7 topics
IGN: SkipTurn
over 2 years ago

Wow, it sure has been a while, but a LOT has been added and A LOT has been changed! We also have upgraded the server to an Inteli i9 and 48 GB of ram! We're partnered with nexus hosting (https://nexussociety.net) which are servers for only 50c / gb of ram! Thanks to them for all of their support for our server<3


Combat Update: The permadeath sword and glass blade have been added! /combatitems


Dungeons: We have released Dungeons floors 1 and 2! Some items have been released alongside with the 2 floors, but a lot of new items for dungeons are in the works! You can do /dungeons ingame to visit our dungeons lobby and start your adventures!


Trivia: We've added 17 new trivia questions! The most useful update ever am I right?


Builder's Market: We've added the builder's market, a shop to buy building blocks! You can access it by clicking the npc at /spawn or by using /shop! Note that this is ONLY for building blocks, and isn't a full shop unlike other servers:)


QoL: We also added a Item Filter as a slight QoL change! Do /ifilter to use it!


In other news, SkipTurn has been promoted to Admin! (Hey that's me:D)

Last edited: over 2 years ago