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Reset For Season 6 & Upcoming New Features!
SkipTurn Admin
8 posts
7 topics
IGN: SkipTurn
over 2 years ago

Hey! It's been a while since our last forum post, so lets get right into the topic!

Lifesteal has just reset for Season 6! The reset was abrupt, and was caused by a memory issue which left us with the option to reset or delete homes and claims. This comes with some good news though, this means that new features are on the horizon and expect a lot of features coming to the Lifesteal SMP soon (some listed below!)


Upcoming Features:

- Dungeons

- Combat Update Part 2

- Claims Rework

- Transmutation Orb Rework (Complete Balancing w/ Building Only Systems)

Possibility: - Events Update (rework with new systems to help spice up the server a bit!)

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